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ActiveCampaign Review: Revolutionizing Your Marketing Strategy

Looking for the ultimate marketing automation solution? In this comprehensive ActiveCampaign review, we’ll dive deep into this powerful marketing automation platform. In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, finding the perfect automation tool can be a game-changer for your business. Among the countless options available, ActiveCampaign stands tall as a formidable contender. In this comprehensive review, we’ll take a deep dive into ActiveCampaign, dissecting its features, benefits, and drawbacks to help you make an informed decision. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting your automation journey, our aim is to shed light on this powerful platform and guide you toward harnessing its full potential for your marketing endeavors. So, let’s embark on this journey and discover what makes ActiveCampaign a standout choice in the realm of marketing automation.

Pricing and Plans

When it comes to choosing the right email marketing and automation platform like ActiveCampaign, understanding the pricing and plans is a crucial step in the decision-making process. In this section, we will dive into the various pricing options offered by ActiveCampaign, helping you make an informed choice for your business.

ActiveCampaign offers four distinct pricing tiers for email marketing, catering to businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. Here’s an overview of their pricing plans:

1000$29$49 custom

Unlike some other platforms, ActiveCampaign’s pricing is based on the number of contacts you have, which can be advantageous for businesses with smaller lists. The platform also offers a 14-day free trial, allowing you to explore the features before committing to a paid plan and they give you a 20-30% discount on annual plans, making it a cost-effective choice for those willing to commit long-term.

ActiveCampaign review: Features image

What features you get with the different plans:

1. Lite:

  • Drag & Drop Email Designer
  • Marketing Automation
  • Email Automation
  • Split Test Campaigns
  • Site Tracking
  • Campaign Reports
  • User Seats: 1

2. Plus:

  • Email Marketing and Marketing Automaiton
  • Inline, Pop up and Modal Forms
  • Landing Pages
  • Faceboook Custom Audienced and Lead Ads
  • Site and Event Tracking
  • API and Webhooks
  • WooCommerce, Shopify and BigCommerce Integrations
  • Mail Content Generation with AI
  • User Seats: 3

3. Professional:

  • Predictive Sending with AI
  • Split Automation
  • Salesforce Integration
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Integration
  • Site Messages
  • Attribution Reporting
  • Conversions
  • Accounts
  • User Seats: 5

4. Enterprise:

  • This plan is entirely customized for you
  • There is no pricing label. The costs are based on your customization
  • Custom Reporting
  • Custom Objects
  • Single Sign-On
  • Uptime SLA
  • HIPPA Support
  • Custom Mailserver Domain
  • Unlimited Email Testing
  • User Seats: 10


ActiveCampaign also offers several add-ons, such as API + SMTP for your Site or App, which can be added to any plan for an extra cost. It starts at $15 per month for 10,000 emails. It ensures you fast and reliable delivery for crucial transactional emails like password resets or order confirmations. Activecampaign also offers a free developer plan for the add-on where you get 100 test emails per month.

activecampaign review: pros and cons

Pros and cons

ActiveCampaign is a popular choice among businesses for its robust email marketing and automation capabilities. However, like any software, it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this section, we’ll break down the pros and cons of ActiveCampaign to help you make an informed decision about whether it’s the right fit for your needs.


1. Powerful Automation: ActiveCampaign is renowned for its automation features. It allows you to create complex automation workflows with ease, enabling personalized and targeted communication with your audience.

2. Segmentation: The platform excels in contact segmentation, helping you send highly relevant content to different segments of your audience. This personalization can significantly improve engagement.

3. Email Split Testing: ActiveCampaign makes it simple to A/B test your email campaigns, allowing you to optimize your content, subject lines, and send times for better results.

4. CRM Integration: With its built-in CRM features, ActiveCampaign bridges the gap between marketing and sales. You can manage leads, track interactions, and nurture prospects more effectively.

5. Site Tracking: Gain insights into your website visitors’ behavior and use this data to trigger targeted email campaigns, improving conversion rates.

6. Integrations: ActiveCampaign integrates seamlessly with numerous third-party apps and services, enhancing its functionality and compatibility with your existing tools.


1. Learning Curve: Some users find ActiveCampaign to have a steeper learning curve, particularly when setting up complex automation workflows. This might just be a con when you’re just looking out for a quick and simple solution. There are easier and simpler services out there, if thats enough for you.

2. No Free plan: theres only a 14-day free trial but no free plan.

In conclusion, ActiveCampaign offers a robust set of features for businesses looking to streamline their email marketing and automation efforts. Its strengths lie in its automation capabilities, segmentation, and CRM integration. However, it may not be the ideal fit for everyone, especially those on a tight budget or those seeking a simpler platform. By carefully weighing the pros and cons based on your specific needs and goals, you can determine whether ActiveCampaign is the right choice for your marketing endeavors.

ActiveCampaign review: Recomendations

For who I would recommend Activecampaign:

1. If you are serious about marketing automation

If you’re looking for a top-tier marketing automation solution, ActiveCampaign stands out as a powerhouse. It empowers you to create virtually any automation scenario you can imagine – from triggered campaigns and automated sales follow-ups to dynamic email content. Plus, it now allows you to effortlessly send personalized, one-to-one sales emails directly from your own inbox.

2. Integrated Sales and Marketing

When your business demands a seamlessly integrated sales and marketing platform, ActiveCampaign delivers. With their Sales or Bundle plan, the built-in CRM harmoniously connects with your email marketing data, enabling your sales team to respond swiftly. Features such as lead scoring and social data further streamline your sales follow-up procedures.

3. Multi-Channel Marketing Mastery

ActiveCampaign goes beyond traditional email marketing. It empowers you to create landing pages, engage website visitors with SMS, and manage the display of Facebook ads to your contacts. This holistic approach centralizes a significant portion of your marketing efforts, enhancing the overall customer experience. While Marketing and Sales tools are separate, they can still be bundled together for convenience.

4. White Labeling and Agency-Friendly Features

ActiveCampaign distinguishes itself by offering white labeling and an Agency Reseller program, making it an attractive choice for agencies handling email marketing on behalf of clients. With white labeling, agencies can incorporate their branding and utilize a custom domain. Clients can even access the platform directly from the agency’s website, ensuring a cohesive and branded experience. Learn more about these features here.

For who I dont recommend it:

1. Seeking a User-Friendly, Low-Maintenance Solution

If you’re in search of a tool that’s both user-friendly and low-maintenance, ActiveCampaign may not be the ideal choice. It’s a sophisticated platform that requires more effort to become proficient in compared to other options. Moreover, routine maintenance tasks such as setting up, monitoring, and optimizing email campaigns can be more involved.

2. In Need of Simple Automations

For those with basic automation needs, like setting up straightforward email sequences such as welcome campaigns, there are more budget-friendly alternatives like MailerLite. If you want to learn more about Mailerlite and its features, you can go and check out my other blog post. Using ActiveCampaign for simpler tasks may mean paying for features and complexity that you won’t actually utilize.

3. Uncertain About Your Needs

If you’re unsure whether ActiveCampaign is the right fit for your requirements, it’s essential to note that there isn’t a free plan available. The free-trial period is limited to 14 days, which might not provide enough time for a comprehensive assessment of whether the platform aligns with your goals.

ActiveCampaign Review: landing page

Ease of Use

ActiveCampaign’s User Interface

ActiveCampaign provides a clean and well-organized user interface (UI) that makes it relatively easy to navigate. The dashboard presents your key metrics, campaign reports, and automation workflows in an intuitive manner. The main menu is logically structured, allowing you to access important features like email campaigns, automation, and contacts with ease.

Setting Up Campaigns

Creating email campaigns in ActiveCampaign is a straightforward process. The platform offers a drag-and-drop email builder that simplifies the design and customization of your emails. You can choose from a variety of pre-designed templates or create your own from scratch. Additionally, the automation builder uses a visual, flowchart-style interface, making it relatively easy to design complex automation workflows.

Learning Curve

While ActiveCampaign’s UI is user-friendly, it’s worth noting that mastering the platform’s more advanced features, such as intricate automation workflows, may require a learning curve. Users new to marketing automation might find it beneficial to invest time in tutorials or seek assistance from ActiveCampaign’s customer support or training resources.

Customer Support and Resources

ActiveCampaign offers a range of resources to support users in navigating the platform. These resources include knowledge bases, video tutorials, webinars, and a responsive customer support team. Users who encounter difficulties can easily access these materials to enhance their understanding of ActiveCampaign’s features and capabilities.

Setup process till your first campaign

Starting with ActiveCampaign is a straightforward process. Begin by creating an account and following the guided setup wizard that simplifies importing contacts and configuring basic settings. Creating your first email campaign is user-friendly, because as we mentioned before the intuitive drag-and-drop email builder makes it not very hard. While there may be a learning curve for advanced features, ample learning resources, including tutorials and documentation, are available. Overall, ActiveCampaign offers a user-friendly onboarding experience, making it accessible for users of varying expertise levels, from novice to experienced marketers.

ActiveCampaign review: alternatives

ActiveCampaign review: Alternatives

Now as we come to an end of our ActiveCampaign review, I want to present you some alternatives if you think that ActiveCampaign isn’t the right email marketing tool for you. so here are three noteworthy alternatives:

1. Mailchimp

Overview: Mailchimp is a popular email marketing platform known for its user-friendly interface and robust features. It offers a range of templates, A/B testing, and integration options.

Ideal For: Small to medium-sized businesses seeking a user-friendly email marketing solution. Mailchimp is a very useful tool but I have to mention that in comparsion to ActiveCampaign, the advanced and realy helpful features and different possibilities are not given with Mailchimp.

2. HubSpot Marketing Hub

Overview: HubSpot Marketing Hub provides a comprehensive suite of marketing tools, including email marketing, automation, CRM, and reporting. It’s known for its all-in-one approach to marketing.

Ideal For: Businesses looking for an integrated marketing platform that combines email marketing with CRM and other marketing tools.

3. GetResponse:

Overview: GetResponse is an email marketing and automation platform with a focus on simplicity and automation. It offers features like marketing automation, landing page creation, and webinar hosting.

Ideal For: Users looking for an easy-to-use platform with a strong emphasis on automation.


As we wrap up our in-depth exploration of this ActiveCampaign review, it’s evident that this email marketing and automation platform offers a wide range of powerful features designed to supercharge your marketing efforts. From advanced automation workflows and CRM integration to user-friendly campaign creation and comprehensive reporting, ActiveCampaign has proven itself as a versatile tool for businesses of all sizes.

However, no tool is one-size-fits-all, and your choice depends on your specific needs, goals, and budget. If you’re serious about marketing automation, need seamless sales and marketing integration, and value multi-channel marketing, ActiveCampaign is a compelling choice.

On the flip side, if you’re seeking a low-maintenance, beginner-friendly tool with simpler automation needs or a more budget-friendly solution, you might explore other options.

In the end, your marketing success hinges on selecting the right tool for your unique requirements. We hope this ActiveCampaign review has provided valuable insights to help you make an informed decision. Whichever path you choose, remember that the power of email marketing and automation lies in your hands, and with the right tool, you can unlock new levels of engagement, growth, and success for your business.